Product Overview
C&C Fancy Stitched Running Martingale is a training aid used for everyday riding and for the show ring. It is square raised and fancy stitched. A number of holes on the chest strap allow for adjusting proper fit.
The purpose of a running martingale is to prevent a horse from getting its head above a desired position. When a horse does raise its head above the position, leverage is added by the running martingale through the reins to the bars of the horse's mouth. The horse is encouraged to lower its head with this pressure and the leverage can then be released through the reins. Many riders will use this opportunity to create a leg to hand connection, getting the horse’s hocks engaged again as it becomes less inverted. A running martingale gives more freedom, through the release of pressure by the rider, than a standing martingale.
For easy tacking and untacking, pair with one of our C&C Girths by using the carabiner clips!