
C&C Bib Martingale

C&C Signature

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Product Overview

C&C Bib Martingale works in the same way as a classic running martingale. 

The purpose of a running martingale is to prevent a horse from getting its head above a desired position. When a horse does raise its head above the position, leverage is added by the running martingale through the reins to the bars of the horse's mouth. The horse is encouraged to lower its head with this pressure and the leverage can then be released through the reins. Many riders will use this opportunity to create a leg to hand connection, getting the horse’s hocks engaged again as it becomes less inverted. A running martingale gives more freedom, through the release of pressure by the rider, than a standing martingale. 

Additionally, the bib prevents a widening of the reins that a regular running martingale may allow and also prevents the risk of getting loose straps caught during a shortening of the neck. It is a safer option for a mouthy horse while maintaining the normal function of a running martingale and a classic look. 

The C&C Bib Martingale is made of soft supple leather and has adjustable buckles for each martingale strap and the base of the chest strap.


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  • 5
    super cost effective product

    Posted by Gwen Goodwin on Oct 1st 2018

    Well made, fits well, soft leather. Best bib martingale I have found. I have purchased mOre than one!

  • 5
    Fantastic quality

    Posted by Gwen E. Goodwin on Dec 7th 2017

    First of all, this product is very hard to find. The leather is exceptionally soft and the fit is beautiful. Highly recommend!